Friday, September 29, 2006's time to have us an ol' fashion lynchin'

Or, as Claire Wolfe might (hopefully, finally) concede, it's time to start "shootin' the bastards." Or, at the very least, put 'em on a chain gang for the rest of their miserable lives. Because there really is no excuse for the crimes perpetrated against the good (tax-paying) citizens of The People's Republic of Kalifornia; where our "public servants" do their darnedest to emulate the hilariously inept policies of those swinish scoundrels of Orwell's Animal Farm: i.e. spend more than you can possibly pay for.

To the tune of ONE-POINT-THREE (get this) T-R-I-L-L-I-O-N DOLLARS.

or, if that's a bit much for your brain to process, as it is mine, try this on for size:
per current Kalifornia taxpayer
Yes, in what should be considered the capital crime of High Ineptitude in Public Office (punishable by death by firing squad), the various Kalifornia politicals and governmentals have, over the last 80-or-so years, and knowing full well that there was no way in which to guarantee funding.......nevertheless.........guaranteed funding...........for pensions, for medical plans, for dental plans, and for all manner of various other percs. No, not just for their own greedy selves but for hundreds of thousands of public employees; from the lowliest of Lawmaker-swine all the way up to---one of the few positions that actually provides any real services for us Kalifornians---garbage men.

Nor shall any tears be shed for the bastards (and bastardettes) as the vermin cry "Unfair, unfair! Dont' shoot us! We didn't know!" To such sniveling grovellations our reply must be firm: "Then why on earth would you condemn your children and grandchildren and their grandchildren to a horrible future of indentured servitude; which WILL be required to pay for services which YOU guaranteed without so much as even pencilling out the long-term costs? (And, oh yeah, by the way, all we have left is Slim Price brand for those of you who feel the need for a last smoke. We couldn't afford the $275-per-pack cigarette tax. So sorry.)

"But, but, but," they'll inevitably plead, "we thought the next legislature would be able to fix---"

"Blindfolds, anyone?"

"But, but, my prof at Berkeley said that in The Communist Manifes---"


"But, but, WAIT! We can get it from the greedy Kalifornia businessme---


"WAIT! Those bullets have LEAD in them. That's cruel and unusual punishm---"


A little harsh, you say? Nyet. It's what we (now) do to people in whom we have invested the power to make good, sound decisions for our future---after they sell us out for political power and personal gain. We didn't build their mansions and buy their boats and airplanes and fill their portfolios with Microsoft and Pepsi stocks only to have them put us in leg irons for the foreseeable future, and beyond. Think of it as a slave revolt.

So we tighten the collective belt, you say, bite the bullet, buckle down, and otherwise begin the long and uncomfortable job of cleaning up this unconscionable mess they've left us. Well, sadly, it ain't that easy, folks, even if there were even so much as an ice-cube's chance in hell that Kalifornia lawmakers were even remotely capable of changing their treacherous ways. No, it's a sad, slow death by strangulation for us Kalifornians (and pretty much everyone else in the US, too), for there is no way on earth that this debt will EVER be paid off. And, even if it could be paid off, in the meantime our public infrastructure will continue to crumble for lack of funding, as our tax-dollars go increasingly toward the ever-mounting "debt service." Roads become deadly potholed nightmares; hospitals close their doors to the poor victims of those potholed nightmares; piers fall into the ocean; airports close; police officers, after being downsized, and with no marketable skills, use the only skill they have (thugging) in order to feed their babies; while those cops who do manage to hang on to their jobs, after accepting the necessary 60% cut in pay, begin shaking down the people who they're supposed to be protecting (think Tony Soprano). (No, I do not believe that police-people are any worse, nor better, than the average Joe. However, as someone far wiser than I once said: "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.")

If you think this is just some bible-toting redneck's post-liberalyptic delusions, well, think again---after first taking a good look at Russia. Because there, in that once-believed-to-be-grand, yet pathetically naive experiment with socialism (regardless of what those pointy-headed men & women in the UC mis-educational sytem told you) the laws of nature (i.e. Newton, thermodynamics, Einstein, economics, simple arithmetic, The Golden Rule, etc) were somehow declared null and void. And now, almost twenty years after throwing in the towel on their eighty years of tinkering and twisting-of-the-dials of their massive and unpredictably tempermental economic machine; and even after building twenty thousand miles of metaphorical dikes to hold back the ever-rising tide of reality which surrounded their self-imposed isolation, they are paying the terrible price for their pseudo-intellectual insolence. Slavery.

And we're not too far behind them.

But, though cold comfort it will be---demanding that the people who are responsible for our enslavement pay for their crimes---it's at least a beginning. And hopefully a deterrent---to future generations of lawmakers who fail to carefully consider the long-term consequences of meddling with the lives of their neighbors. And their neighbors' children. And their grandchildren.

If nothing else, it might at least get them to do the math.

Your brother in insurrection,


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